Multidisciplinary Visual Artist

Meet Omega Luxor

My name is Omega Luxor and I am a psychology major at Ryerson University completing my BA in psychology. I identify as a cisgender black woman who is a multidisciplinary creative. I've been a visual artist for most of my life, and I enjoy playing/ mixing mediums to create beautiful pieces that speak to the world. I specialize in sketching with portraits and am an emerging digital artist and painter.

Within my research work, I seek to take an intersectional ...

... approach to generate meaningful interpretations that can reflect a wide subgroup. I am a business owner, I have been developing a brand that promotes self-empowerment, self-esteem, & creativity.

My art represents my perception of the world. I like for my art to have a deeper meaning beyond first glance. My first memories of the arts are with my mom. When I was around preschool age, she used to do arts and crafts with me. When I went to kindergarten and started to draw, it was like my second nature.

My teachers & peers would tell me I was excellent and my mom ...

... put my work on the wall, increasing my self-esteem around creating artwork. What made me want to pursue the arts sector is it’s flexibility. Art is subjective; there is no right or wrong- it gives me freedom! It gives me a voice! It gives me life!

What I hope for my art is that I can incorporate my passion for wellness and beauty and tell stories without words. I hope that my art not only resonates with my audience but also inspires them in their personal lives.

My dream is to share my talents with the world and that everything I does be a reflection of my highest self.  My long-term goal is to become a practicing Clinical Psychologist and own a small art studio place that practices both art and wellness activities. I hope that my work will impact my audience deeply such that they can experience joy, passion and healing. 


(Originally 12x16” - Reprinted as 20x30”) Acrylic on Canvas

By Omega Luxor - Artist Statement

This piece portrays an enlightened black woman. Her dreads extend out towards the sky. Her skin is brown and glowing, with peaches, golds, and pinks wrapped around her body. The colours surrounding her signify nature - butterflies, ladybugs, flowers, leaves and tree branches. The medium used is acrylic paints.

The meaning behind this piece is to describe the process black women, in general, take to accept themselves. Accept their beauty, their skin, their hair, their culture. Often women of colour receive subliminal messages that they are not beautiful or need to change to achieve such a status. I have experienced feelings of being singled out from people's comments in different spaces for my hair, complexion, body, etc. These experiences can be considered microaggressions and lead to self-loathing and self-hatred in many WOC. Of course, these microaggressions differ among WOC, but at the same time, it is a common experience we have within society. Usually, the response to combat these microaggressions is for WOC to assimilate to a white beauty standard. For instance, to straighten their hair, lighten their skin, dress differently, eat less or eat more, etc. However, this piece describes the transition from wanting to fit into a craving to stand out! 

I wanted to show a woman of colour embracing her natural beauty and shining like a goddess. Loving yourself is a lifelong process essential to growth, and I wanted to capture this process in my painting. The butterflies in the picture represent transformation, in which she goes from resenting herself to loving herself. She once viewed her as a caterpillar, but now she views herself as a butterfly. The flowers signify the vulnerability and strength she possesses within society. The pink clouds suggest that she enlightened her previous self. The gold strands in her dreadlocks signify royalty- in which her hair is her crown while also indicating strength and power. Ultimately, I hope to continue celebrating black beauty within my art and carry on Flaunt Its goals to uplift all WOC.